Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Girl and a Horse

I had a very rare afternoon to myself today without my kids, thanks to my mother-in-law, and I was feeling pretty well, so I hopped in the car and went to the barn. It was a gorgeous day out and, as always, my pretty pony was waiting for me.
"Hi, Mama!"

There is no greater joy on this earth than being on top of my horse. I have no pain when I am sitting on her and I believe with all my heart that she understands what a gift she is giving me when I ride her. Mostly, though I don't have enough energy to ride, so we just "park" and I sit on her back and dream about riding while she eats her hay.

When I started Bicillin injections, my doctor told me I'd most likely be too sore to ride my horse. When I told my mom that, she said, "I know you and you'll do it anyway!" What can I say, my mom knows me well. Last week, I went to the barn and tried to climb up on my horse, and ended up hurting myself. I figured it was time to put away my cowgirl boots until I was done with the shots.

But if you know me, you know that I am stubborn. Very stubborn. I took my pony into the arena today and we walked around and around while I contemplated whether or not I should get up on her again. She seemed to say to me, "Just get on already, lady!" So I did. We rode for about 10 minutes--bareback, bridleless, and without reins. And it was amazing.

I'm exhausted after my 10 minutes of being a cowgirl and I'm resting now, but it was worth every bit of the pain that it will cause me for the next several days. Knowing that my dream horse is waiting for me at the barn gives me so much strength to beat the snot out of this disease.


  1. Oh Alyson, I am thrilled that you had a day like today. Those days were you get to do something you love and for a moment of time forget about being sick. Fjola is beautiful. I am happy you have eachother.

    Off the subject, I have two questions for you. 1) I had a friend ask me if she could share your excerpt "Time for Change" on Facebook. I told her to sit tight until I hear from you. 2) I had a personal question that I'd rather not blog...is there a way to communicate otherwise?

    Again, so glad you had a great day. Those days are the best!


  2. I used to ride. Took me away from all my cares, worries, sorrows. I wish I could ride now. I am not strong enough to go it alone, but if someone got me up on one. That would be good enough. I'm trying to find a way to find a horse to ride. I am so happy you have her.

  3. Yay!!! I am so happy you were able to ride for a bit!

  4. Thank you, girls! Sonya, I hope you find a way to get on a horse soon!

    Ginny, below each post, if you look for the blue Facebook "F" you can click it to share a post on Facebook. Thanks for asking! Let me know if that works. You can email me at adventuresinlymeland@gmail.com


  5. I totally knew that ;-D about the fb. So crazy of me. That's the way my brain is these days, I guess. It should totally work! I will email you also.
    Thanks, Alyson.
