Thursday, November 3, 2011

Time for Change

Imagine finding out you have a rare form of cancer. Now imagine finding out that if your doctor would have diagnosed it years before when you first got sick, you would be cured. Imagine knowing that now you may never get better.

Imagine finding out your insurance won't cover your cancer because they don't know how long you'll need treatment since--because your doctor didn't diagnose you in time--the cancer has spread throughout your entire body. Imagine that you now have to sell not only your beloved business, but also your house to pay for treatments. Imagine as an adult having to move back in with family since you have now found yourself homeless.

When you replace the word "cancer" with "chronic Lyme disease," suddenly people aren't listening anymore. I wish it wasn't, but the story above is a true story and it's happening to a wonderful friend of mine. I wish I could say that hers is a rare story, but the reality is that a huge percentage of people with Lyme lose their homes, their jobs and are forced to file for bankruptcy to pay for treatment--which is very rarely covered by insurance companies.

My friend confided that she not only has to sign up for food stamps, but she has to sign up her daughter for the Angel Tree because she can't pay for Christmas presents this year. What kills me is if this was a story about cancer, it would spread across the internet so fast, her little girl would have a pony in the front yard of their new house for Christmas this year. People would help.

Can you imagine, really imagine being in my friend's shoes? There will be no change until our stories are not only told, but truly heard. The medical system has failed chronic Lyme disease, but we are not giving up. It is time to join our voices and demand a change.


  1. How very sad. It is time for change!
    Donna betonte

  2. This is so sad for your friend and it is a story that is being repeated over and over the country and the world. And the truly sad part of this is that the medications and treatments don't rid us of this disease. It only puts it into remission if we are lucky. I just had a cyber friend tell me her friend has been on abx for 14 yrs and still not better and has now lost her home. It is down right scary isn't it. There are other stories of people getting much better and those are what we need to focus on, but the costs are so high. We are struggling now with Joel unable to work and the economy making it hard to sell our home and not having the energy to sell it and move! We believe with our whole heart that God will provide...still...we are making plans to do our part ~ a much smaller home, seeing our LLMD only twice a year, cutting costs where we can, etc.
    Yes, it is time for a change. Time for the doctors to be doctors, insurance companies to step up and quit ripping us off.
    Lovely post Alyson. Sobering, truthful and compassionate. Hope you are doing okay with the shots?

  3. Alyson-

    My heart aches for her. I cannot imagine what she is going through. Not yet, anyway...

    I am wondering, because you said it so well, could I share your post on my blog to my readers? I think awareness is critical. And I am finding that your friend's story is not so rare. This feels worse than a bad dream. I will not post anything until I hear from you.

    I have been praying for you and your friend(I think). I think of you both daily.


  4. Ginny, yes, please feel free to repost. Thanks for praying for my friend and me!


  5. Thanks Alyson. I will credit you of course. Hope you are doing well.

