Saturday, March 12, 2011

Living Like a Celebrity

This week was fantastic! I had full-time help all week for the first time since I got sick--not only with my two children, but also for me. Highlights from this week of being ridiculously pampered include: several massages, including my first hot stone massage (which was heavenly!); several of my favorite foods (chili!); my new sauna; being able to actually rest when I needed it and for as long as I needed it; help with the oodles of housework that has been severely neglected, etc.

On Wednesday, my infrared sauna came in the mail.  I have used it three times so far and I love it! I wasn't sure if I'd be able to tolerate it very well, since my Lyme disease makes me incredibly heat intolerant, but actually it's very relaxing.

An unexpected bonus came with my sauna: a booklet of humorously-translated directions. One of my favorite parts is,  "Action inconvenient people, old man and children must use it under adult's guardianship!" This one tugs at my heartstrings, "Heartfeltly thanks for purchase our product."

Alas, all good things must come to an end. Since paying for full-time help regularly is not an option on our budget, on Monday I return to having only part-time help. However, I am full of "heartfeltly thanks" for my week of living like a celebrity, even though I am pretty sure I am an "action inconvenient person!"


  1. We have one of these "Jiffy Pop Saunas" but I cannot use it as it smells like chemicals to me. My husband uses it all the time though.
    Sounds like you had a great week.

  2. I feel like a piece of toast popping out of a toaster! :)

  3. that thing is crazy! i might look into getting one since i don't have a steam sauna available to me. does it collapse for easy storage? or do you just leave it out in a spare room or something?

  4. It does collapse. I haven't taken it apart yet, though, because I've been using it every day,

  5. I've been wondering about these. I've heard about them, but have never seen one. Feel like I have finally spotted Big Foot! LOL

    As always, thanks for sharing your journey!

  6. I LOVE my sauna! It has really helped me with my recovery.

  7. I sooo want this :)
